3 MAR - 6 MAR

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015



1.1.      GENERAL.
This February has been more productive tan any other month, as we hardly havent had any stop due to rainfall.
During this month we have mostly advance in the shaping of holes 12, 14 & 15, drainage has been installed on holes 12 & 15, irrigation system on holes 10 and 11 is very advance and we have the construction of the recently approve weir on green 12 is very advanced. Bridges on 18 and 15 are finished just needing them to be faced with stone, bridge on 17 is also in the very latest steps of construction.

1.2.      RAIN.
February as commented earlier has been the less rainy month out of all, just 20mm of rainfall that have just put the project on standby for 3 days. Next may find a schedule that shows how February has evolved:

The main area pending of being finished is 13th hole at this moment, this will be done once the big pile of top soil is been spread or moved to other places of the site. For this reason this we anticipate this hole to be shaped by the end of April. The are some small earth movements to be done in the green 12 area and some others on hole 18 surrounding the bridges. This item is accomplished in a 90%.

1.4.      DEMOLITIONS.
All the entities demolitions are finished at present day, as this month the old existing weir on 12 and the toilets on hole 16th have been demolished. Only pending of demolishing are the cart paths on hole 13th  and the old wooden bridge that crosses the 12th/15th.

1.5.      SERVICES.
February has still followed the same trend as previous months, we continue to find and repair sewage and piping that is in bad state. This month we have refurbished the main manholes on hole 12th that were in a very bad state, we have removed a spillway pipe that was underneath the 14th green and we have installed two new ones to replace it. Another main manhole has been installed to remove an existing one that was under new tees on 13th. 

1.6.      WALLS.
This February we have finished the recently approve extension of the north wall of 15th hole lake. This was built to reduce the amount of carry over the lake form 54m that the original design showed in the plans down to 40,5m.
We have also started to build the new walls attached to the new weir of 12th Green area. One of the two walls will be finished at an earlier stage so that enables the shaper to start shaping the 12th green asap, the wall opposite can get going. This walls, as the weir, have been properly sealed with a liner making it waterproof resistant.
Works on walls of lake 18th were finished at the beginning of February, these works have enabled us to restore a very much deteriorated corner on the walls of new 17th tees, creating a very much more homogeneous area esthetical -wise.

With the objective to prevent future damages due to strong floods, a big concrete slab has been pored to avoid future erosions.

1.7.      WEIR NEXT TO 12TH GREEN.
New weir on 12th began its construction this February. The construction of this new weir enables the green to be surrounded by water,  making the hole much more attractive, nevertheless, we having replaced a technically non retainer water wall for a waterproof wall.

We have also commenced with the access next to the Clubhouse, from the main Clubs plaza through the ramp that drives all our members to the driving range or to the back nine holes. This area was very deteriorated, leading in damp problems beneath in locker rooms and laundry,  for this reason we have sealed the full path way to solve this problem. For esthetical reasons we have chosen the same cobblestone that actualy is installed in the main plaza to keep the same look all the way through eyesight.


1.9.      SHAPING.
We have significantly advance on this item, even do that many of the shaping as occurred in places that needed modifications due to designer reviews. Tees on hole 15th have been modified, 12th has been completely shape except the green that is pending on the finishing of the wall attached to the new weir, tees, green and bunkers on 16th hole have been shaped, first half of 15th and complete 14th have been shaped. Present day the shaper only has pending to be shaped, green 12, approach area on hole 17th, 18th fairway and its bunkers and full 13th hole. Shaper may need to modify some of these areas if designer is not happy after his future revision.

1.10.   DRAINAGE.
We have been advancing and we have been able to recover some delay of the drainage system, installing catch basins and land piping. We have finalised this type of works on holes 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 and partially on hole 15. Almost a 45% of the drainage has been dealt vs. the 70% we should have accomplished by now, we will keep recovering time on this item the coming days to catch up with schedule.

We began to install irrigation system, installing main piping for the ring of green complex on 18th going all the way down to 15th going around 16th, this will improve the water pressure in this area that always was a problem at the past. 10th hole has also been completed just pending to finalise the tee area due to a final revision of the designer that has finally approve this area. Greens 15th and 18th have been completed.

1.12.   BRIDGES.
These have advance significantly this last month, having nearly finish those on holes 15th and 18th only them waiting for the concrete to settle to accomplish the resistance tests and facing them with stone.

Bridge on 15th:

As the original installation of pavement on cart path didn’t include the slurry finishing, G&G has hired a specialized team to deal with the cart paths and to give the same look to the cart path pavement of the bridges, this way the cart paths will have the same look all the way through being consistent with the look of the new cart paths.
Bridge on 17th:
Considering that the other two bridges had full priority, 17th was left to be dealt later, and for this reason it is in its early stage of construction. Footings have been installed and actually they have pored the concrete of the upper deck, the work should be finalized next week, just needing the concrete pored left to settle for the next 3 weeks and facing it with stone.

1.13.   GREENS.
After some quality control tests,  the gravel that was initially installed on greens, had to be replaced as the gravel had an excess of fines and didn’t meet with the USGA specifications. At present day, greens 10, 11, 15, 17 & 18 are fully drained and gravel has been layed.

Regarding Sand mix for greens, we have done our preliminary quality control tests to our first loads of which they result weren’t fully successful has they had small deficit of organic matter. This has been informed to the provider that has corrected before mentioned levels of organic matter. A sample has been sent to the European Turfgrass Laboratory (Scotland) for its approval on USGA green mix spects.

1.14.   BUNKERS.
We are ongoing with the construction of bunkers and re-facing with topsoil those bunkers that have already been shaped. Bunkers on holes 10, 18 and 15 are ready and also been mark by the designer with the grassing lines, at his last visit.  

1.15.   TEES.
We have installed tee platforms and its drainage system on all those tees that the designer has approved. This operation needs to be done with a laser leveller to obtain the desired grading to be able to perfectly drain the playing surface.
Tees on 11th , 16th and 18th have been drained. Tees on holes 15th and 12th even do they are finished shaping wise, now that they were approved by the designer in his last visit, now will be also drained. Tees on 14th and 17th will follow the same process as they have been already rough shaped.

1.16.   CART PATHS.
We have already done a tester cart path near the green complex on hole 18th, it has been really satisfactory for the property, project manager and designer. It has been approved so rest of them to be built will follow same specifications. No more areas have been built do we needed to approved the location of them together wit the designer. Next paths to be built will happen on holes 10th, 14th, 15th & 18th.

Kyle Phillips spent some days with us, from the 5th till the 9th of March, during his time here he was able to revise and approve the shaping that has happened during this last month. Along in his visit some of the features have been modified such us:
          Green & bunkers on hole 16th to be able to place them nearer to the water edge.
          Addition of a Professional back tee for hole 17th
          Modifying the 12th fairway bunker and the grading of the left side of the fairway.
          Left side of the landing area of hole 15th to make it higher.
          Connexion of cart patsh on tees 12th/6th
          Access to the clubhouse, 10th tees and new chiringuito area.
          Cart path of hole 16th.
          Bunker between 11th green and back tee on 12th
During his last visit we have advance on several aspect regarding definition of grass areas, bunker lines, grass lines, cart path planning and some strategic tree planting.

This chapter includes a table were you may be able to foresee the progress item by item. The table shows the % of progress vs. schedule.

We here by summrise in a calendar Schedule working/stopping days: