Desde el 18 de Marzo hasta el 21 de Marzo
Desde el 18 de Marzo hasta el 21 de Marzo
Como estaba previsto, los trabajos de pinchado y recebo de greens comenzarán la semana que viene.
Martes y miércoles los primeros 9 hoyos estarán abiertos.
Jueves y viernes los segundos 9 hoyos estarán abiertos.
Durante estos 4 días siempre habrá 9 hoyos abiertos al juego, el sábado 22 de Marzo volveremos a tener 18 hoyos en juego.
Rogamos disculpen las molestias.

From March 18th, Tuesday until March 21st Friday.
As it was planned, next week maintenance works will commence, hollow-tinning and top dressing greens.
We will work on both 9 holes, commencing works on the back 9 holes.
Tuesday and Wednesday Front Nine will remain open.
Thursday and Friday Back Nine will remain open.
We will always have 9 holes in play and we will re-open to have the 18 holes in play from March 22nd Saturday onwards.
We will work on both 9 holes, commencing works on the back 9 holes.
Tuesday and Wednesday Front Nine will remain open.
Thursday and Friday Back Nine will remain open.
We will always have 9 holes in play and we will re-open to have the 18 holes in play from March 22nd Saturday onwards.
We apologize for all the inconvenience this may cause.