21 OCT - 22 OCT

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015


La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología ha activado Alerta de Viento, con rachas de 80 km/h durante todo el día en la zona.
Les pedimos extremen la atención ante posibles caídas de ramas, y que ante la duda pospongan su partida.
The Spanish Forecast Agency informs that extreme wind is expected, with gusts of more than 80 km/h all day.
We ask you to take deep care from falling branches, and to postpone your match if weather conditions get worse.

Download: Aviso - Notice

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015


La pre-apertura de ayer, 30 de Octubre de 2015, fue todo un éxito, los segundos nueve hoyos rediseñados por Kyle Phillips, construidos por Garden & Golf y el nuevo bar fueron estrenados por algunos de los miembros de la Junta Directiva y otros socios que han estado implicados en este proceso de reforma. Un día de sol espectacular amenizó el gran evento. Este evento cierra así uno de los capítulos más importantes en los anales de la historia del club, terminando una de las fases más importantes de la renovación del diseño de 1968 de Robert Trent Jones Sr., que permanecerá abierto a diario al juego, siempre que el tiempo lo permita. Ya solo quedan fases de calibre más pequeño, como la renovación del campo de prácticas y la mejora de algunos aspectos de algunos de los hoyos de la primera vuelta.

Aprovecho para dar gracias por el enorme esfuerzo y profesionalidad mostrada por todos los profesionales implicados en el proyecto. A la Junta Directiva que por su maravillosa vocación, defendido este bonito proyecto hasta el mismísimo final, a todos los socios por la enorme paciencia que han mostrado y como no a lo mejor del Club, el personal, sin ellos nada de esto hubiera sido posible. 

¡Ahora solo queda disfrutar, así pues, buen golf a todos!

Paul Muñoz 
Director General


The pre-opening  of the Back Nine holes was a success yesterday, October,30th 2015. The redesigned back 9 holes by Kyle Phillips and constructed by Garden and Golf were tested by some of the Members of the Executive Committee and some influential Members that have worked hard for this project together with the inauguración of the New 19th Hole Bar. The weather was fantastic and the event closes one of the most important chapters in the history of the Club, the Renovation of the 1968 Robert Trent Jones Sr. course. Now, with only minor phases to accomplish, like the renovation of the practice range and some tweaks of the front nine, we have almost have a complete full renovated course, that will be open from today on in a daily basis, weather permitting. 

I hereby like to say thank you to all the persons involved in the project, the Executive Committee for beleiving in the project right up until the end altruistically and the Members for the extraordinary patience showed. Last be not least the Staff, without them this wouldn't have been possible.

Now let's just enjoy, Good golfing!

Paul Muñoz 
General Manager

Bob Bushell (Club Captain), Kyle Phillips (Architect Designer), Terry Daniells (Chairman of the Greens Committee) & Carlos Jiménez (President)

John Beaumont (Vocal Executive Committee), Björn Oras (Member), Claes Kinell (Club Champion 2014), Gerry McGuinness (Vocal of the Executive Committee)

Rafael Gonzalez-Carrascosa (Course Manager), Gina Pike (Vocal of the Executive Committee), Gerry McGuinnes (Vocal of the Executive Committee), Terry Daniells (Chairman of the Greens C.), Kyle Phillips (Architect Designer), CarlosJiménez (President), Bob Bushell (Club Captain), John Beaumont (Vocal of the Executive Committee), Paul Muñoz (General Manager), Alejandro Cuartero (Board Director of CAMPOGOLF, SA)

Terry Daniells (Chairman of the Green Committee), Kyle Phillips (Architect Designer), Bert Pike (Honorary Member), Carlos Jiménez (President), Bob Bushell (Club Captain)

Thelma Coomber (Lady Captain 2014-2015), Gina Pike (Vocal of the Executive Committee), Kerrie Daniells (Chairman of the Social Committee), Jacquie Cooke (Lady Captain 2016)

Alejandro Cuartero (Board Director CAMPOGOLF, SA), Bertil Josefsson (Board Director CAMPOGOLF), George Trowbridge (Member - Bertil's Caddie), Ulf Bexelius (Former Executive) Torber Andreasen (Former President CAMPOGOLF, SA)

Ricardo de Miguel (Golf Manager), Rafael Gonzalez-Carrascosa (Course Manager), Luis Cornejo (Project Manager), Paul Muñoz (General Manager)

Rafael Gonzalez-Carrascosa (Course Manager), Leopoldo Espinosa (Garden & Golf), Luis Espinosa (Garden & Golf), Kyle Phillips (Architect Designer), Paul Muñoz (General Manager), Luis Cornejo (Project Manager)

Francisco Arce (Civil Engeenier - ACTTUA GOLF), Luis Cornejo (Project Manager - SURTEC)

Nuevo Chiringuito - New Bar

Campo - Course

Bridge 17th Hole (16th Hole as background)

Stream next to Green #17

View from 17th Tees

16th Green

16th Hole

15th Green

12th Hole

Tees 14th Hole 

 Tees 15th Hole

10th Tee (61) - Paul Muñoz

10th Tees (61) - Ricardo de Miguel

Kyle Phillips

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015



El arboritum de Las Brisas, dotado de especies valiosas, siempre ha sido la mayor distinción de nuestro campo.

Nuestros socios: Carola Murek, Trevor Hanover, Christer Johansson, Terry Daniells y a Bob Bushell han donado 5 hermosas Chorisias para nuestro hoyo 10.

Cualquier socio o grupo de socios que este interesado en donar un árbol, por favor contacte con la oficina de administración.




Trees, particularly the rich variety, are an important and distinctive feature of the Las Brisas course.

For the 10th hole, five fantastic Chorisia trees have been donated by Members - Carola Murek; Trevor Hanover; Christer Johansson; Terry Daniels; and Bob Bushell.

If there are other Members who are willing to donate a tree, please contact the Club's Administration Office.


jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015



La mezcla ideal para cualquier campo de golf en el sur de España es la formada por Agrostis en los greenes y antegreenes, con Bermuda en las calles y el roughs, requiriendo todas estas variedades una buena capa de arena como base antes de su instalación. Aunque el Agrostis necesita mucho más mantenimiento, se encuentra instalado en los tees de Las Brisas para mantener su buena apariencia durante todo el año.

HOYOS 10-18.

En los recién rediseñados nueve segundos hoyos se ha instalado esta mezcla correcta de césped, lo que mejorará el juego en el campo de golf y permitirá cerrar menos días por inclemencias del tiempo durante los meses de invierno.

HOYOS 1-9.

En los renovados primeros nueve hoyos se realizó todo el trabajo de instalación correcto excepto en las calles y roughs, por no estar incluido en el presupuesto para los nueve primeros. La renovación de los primeros nueve hoyos se completó en invierno, por lo que fueron seleccionadas variedades de césped de estación fría para la resiembra. Nuestras antiguas calles y roughs de Bermuda no se han recuperado desde la reforma, siendo ahora necesario modificar estos hoyos instalando nueva Bermuda con base de arena. Ya se ha completado la conversión a Bermuda de los hoyos 1, 7 y 9 y toda la calle del hoyo 3. (No así el área del rough al hoyo 3). 


Se está planificando la conversión a Bermuda de calles y roughs de tres hoyos más para mayo, junio y julio de 2016. La terminación del resto de hoyos está prevista para 2017.

A continuación se incluye información sobre los distintos tipos de césped.

Bermuda Celebration.

La variedad Celebration es una Bermuda de color azul-verde oscuro catalogada como la mejor variedad en diversos estudios universitarios de investigación por su tolerancia al pisoteo, su capacidad de recuperación, su resistencia a la sequía y la tolerancia a la sombra. Se encuentra instalada en estadios deportivos profesionales y de facultades, campos de golf y césped de viviendas particulares. La Bermuda Celebration da buen resultado para una variedad de aplicaciones. Actualmente se usa en el sur de Estados Unidos y alrededor del mundo.


El Agrostis es la variedad de césped más popular y la más utilizada de la familia de los Bent. Se usa de forma extensiva para césped, campos de golf y otros campos deportivos por su crecimiento trepador y denso, su bonito color y su tolerancia a la siega corta. Se usa principalmente en greenes de campos de golf por su densidad y cualidades de siega.

Mezcla de Festuca y Raigrás

Al contrario de la mayor parte de variedades de césped de estación fría, las Festucas toleran la sombra y tienen una buena prestación en las zonas bajas de transición en las que la estación es demasiado cálida para otras variedades de césped y en la zona de transición que es demasiado fría en invierno para usar variedades de zona templada.


Los Raigrases están adaptados como césped principalmente por su rápido crecimiento como hierba de estación fría por lo que a veces se identifican como Raigrases de invierno. El Raigrás Perenne es una opción permanente de césped en áreas de clima más frío y el Raigrás anual se siembra cada año y dura una estación como Raigrás de invierno.

Esperamos que hayan encontrado útil esta información. Cualquier socio que necesite conocer más detalles puede ponerse en contacto con el Comité de Greenes.




The ideal mix of grasses for any golf course in Southern Spain is Creeping Bent Grass on Greens and surround, with Bermuda grass on the Fairways and Rough areas; all these grasses require a good layer of sand base before installation. Although Creeping Bent Grass requires much more maintenance, we have at Las Brisas installed Creeping Bent Grass on our tees for it’s all year round appearance.

HOLES 10-18.

On the recently re-designed back nine, this correct mix of grasses have been installed, this will enhance the playability of the golf course and lead to less closure days due to bad weather in the winter months.

HOLES 1-9.

On the renovated front nine, all the correct installation work was carried out with the exception of the fairway and rough areas, these works were not included in the budget for the front nine. The renovation of the front nine was completed in the winter and therefore cool session grasses were selected for overseeding. Our old Bermuda fairways and rough areas did not recover from the refurbishment and this is why we now need to convert these holes with a new sand- based Bermuda. We have at present completed the Bermuda conversion on holes 1,7 and 9 and the entire fairway to hole 3. (Not the rough area to hole 3.)


We are planning the conversion of a further three holes to Bermuda fairways and rough during May, June and July 2016. And the completion of the remaining holes during 2017.

Please find below some information on the different Grasses.

Bermuda Celebration.

Celebration is a deep blue-green Bermuda grass that has finished best in numerous university research studies for wear tolerance and recovery, drought resistance and tolerance and Bermuda grass shade tolerance. Found in professional and college sports venues, golf courses and home lawns, Celebration performs well across a variety of applications. Celebration is currently being used throughout the southern United States and around the world.

Bent Grass

Creeping bent grass is the most popular and most planted of the Bents. It is used extensively in lawns, golf courses, and athletic fields for the creeping, dense growth, beautiful coloration and short mowing tolerance. It is used primarily on golf putting greens because of the denseness and mowing qualities. 

Fescue & Rye Grass Mix

Unlike the majority of cool season grasses, Fescue grasses are shade tolerant and perform well in the lower areas of the transition zone where the season is too hot for the other cool grasses and in the area of the transition zone that is too cold in the winter for the warm season grasses.

Rye Grass

Ryegrasses are adapted into lawns mainly for their fast growing ability as a cool season grass and is sometimes referred to as winter rye grass. Perennial ryegrass is a permanent lawn choice in cooler climate areas, and annual  ryegrass is seeded yearly and lives for one season as a winter rye grass.

We hope this information is helpful and should any member need further information please contact the Green Committee.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015


Estimados Socios:

Debido a las lluvias continuadas recibidas desde el sábado 17 de Octubre hasta la noche del lunes 19, el campo se ha mantenido cerrado como medida de seguridad para los jugadores. Dado que los roughs de los hoyos 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 y 8 se encuentran recién resembrados, con zonas sin cobertura y suelo desnudo, la superficie se presentaba muy resbaladiza con alto peligro para los usuarios. Ha sido necesario al menos un día sin lluvia para secar estas zonas, y que ha sido aprovechado para arreglar las erosiones en bunkers y limpiar los caminos de barro.

El campo se abrirá el miércoles 21 de Octubre. Rogamos extremen las medidas en el rough evitando las zonas encharcadas y con pendientes.

Dear Members:

After the rain events we have gone through since last Saturday October 17th to Monday night October 19th, the course has been closed for safety reasons. Since roughs at holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 were just overseeded, presenting many areas not covered as bare soil, surface were very slipery and risky for players. A day with no rain is needed to dry up these areas, which was used to clean and repair bunkers and to clean cartpaths from mud and debris.

The course will open on Wednesday the 21st. Please mind the roughs, avoiding wet areas and slopes where falls may occur.

Rafael Gonzalez-Carrascosa
Director de campo

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015


Hoy comenzamos a resembrar los roughs de los 9 primeros hoyos que aun no hemos reconvertido a Bermuda. Hoyos 3, 4, 5, 6 y 8.

Este año, los fairways de bermuda, no se resembraran.

Today we will start overseeding the rough of those holes we have still have not converted to bermudagrass form front 9 holes, these are holes 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8.

We will not overseed the bermuda fairways this year.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015


All areas of the golf course were already seeded  and planted. The tasks accomplished during this month are lamination, shaping and refining of hole 13th. The drainage of the nursery and hole 14th was also completed. The irrigation of the nursery, the holes 13th, 14th and the green of hole 12th was likewise carried out. Finally, we seeded tees and the landing area of hole 15th, of all areas of holes 13th and 14th and the nursery.
Therefore, all works included in the project are finished on the reporting date with the exception of the last phases of the bunkers, which are always carried out on the last weeks previous to the opening. The grow-in works will take place during the coming months, which will allow.
All holes are immerse in the consolidation or grow-in phase. This process is required for the ripening of the plant and in order to obtain a surface that directly withstands the weight and impact of pedestrian and/or vehicle traffic. 
The main tasks In August and September are construction of bunkers, cleaning and restitution of streams, fixing of French drains and settling up of chopped wood inside the out-rough areas. An intensive grow-in programme is also taking place, consisting of lowering the height of the mowing grass, fertilization, levelling, rolling, application of plant protection treatments, gravelling of grass, outlining, etc. 
The works were not disrupted, as there was no rain from July until mid September.
This chapter is completed.  
The cart path connecting the green 12th and the maintenance building area was completely demolished in July; therefore this chapter is finished.
A number of service intersection works were done at the tee area of the hole 13th in July. They were needed for removing the drainage water of most areas of the holes 13th and 14th and dump it into the stream.

The bottoms and slopes of the streams started to be cleaned and restored in this period. The process consists of cleaning the bottom of the stream and restoring the revetment using stones from the bottoms, slopes and protrusions. The stream must be kept clean and coated in order to help keep it cleaner between cleanings in the future and also to protect it from the erosions caused by the stream load over its slopes during the winter months.


The execution of the drainage works finished in July after completing the holes 13th, 14th and the nursery.

The works on the mouth of the drainage-outlet, at the lower spot of the hole 13th started at the end of this month, this being the second drainage place for the rest of the holes 13th and 14th that will prevent flooding from occurring every year in this area.

The execution of French drains in some of the fairways and rough areas where an excess of water accumulation was detected commenced in September. Part of the French drains was made while the work was carried out in the sections prone to waterlogging.  It will take some grow-in months keeping up with the watering regime to find out the areas where some more drainage is required.

The remaining installation works of the irrigation on the green of hole 12th, the tee of the hole 14th, the total surface of the hole 13th and the nursery were completed this month. Therefore, the irrigation system was finished in July.
The new network connection of the reservoir to the proper tanks, with all the valves and necessary interconnections, i.e. the pipe supplying water to the maintenance buildings for washing the machinery, also concluded this month.

The lamination of the green of the hole 12th was finished this month and the holes 12th, 13th and 14th were seeded. Therefore, all the greens included in the project are finished and in a satisfactory settling process.
3.6. TEES 
The lamination and sowing of the tees of the holes 13th, 14th and 15th was finished in July; therefore all the tees included in the project are completed. The germination of all the tees is satisfactory and they are now in a settling process.
The buggy paths of the holes 13th and 14th and of the new access to the maintenance buildings continued to be carried out this month.
The application of fertilizers and amendments, and the further plantation of certified Bermuda grass “celebration” by means of rooted cuttings took place in July. All the areas included in the project have been planted this month.
It should be noted that some mulch was used during the plantation in the entire surface of the roughs and fairways of the last holes, taking advantage of its extra moisture retention. It will accelerate the settling process on these holes, as they were planted later than scheduled.

This chapter is already completed.

The lamination with topsoil of all the bunkers included in the project is finished. The bunker of the 12th green next to the pond received a special waterproofing, as the height requested by the designer was very similar to that of the water layer inside the pond. A physical barrier has been created under the bed of the bunker preventing water from infiltrating by capillarity, and keeping the bunker and the sand as dry as possible.

The construction process of bunkers that commenced in August consists of 4 stages: excavation and moulding of the base, installation of drainage, Sandmat liner, and spreading of bunker sand.

 Sixty per cent of the work was completed by September 15th 2015, with 24 bunkers finished and 17 outstanding, the back nine having a total of 41 bunkers. This chapter is foreseen to be finished during the first week of October.
An intensive agronomic programme continues to be carried out in August and September to obtain a playing surface that enables the course opening with some guarantees. A great number of operations requiring extra and manual work are needed to implement this programme. Given that the sowed surfaces only consolidate after some weeks, a great many operations cannot be carried out using the normal maintenance machinery, which is very productive; therefore some must be done manually until the area withstands the traffic of the machinery.

The chart in this chapter shows the evolution of the different construction works included in this project. It shows the progress of the different works grouped in chapters and compared with the schedule initially foreseen. It shows also the percentage of work already performed at any given certification date and the delay or advancement attached to them. Likewise, it is possible to identify other works started ahead of schedule representing an advance on what was planned.
The chart below shows the amount of work executed by the 15th of September.