3 MAR - 6 MAR

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015



The ideal mix of grasses for any golf course in Southern Spain is Creeping Bent Grass on Greens and surround, with Bermuda grass on the Fairways and Rough areas; all these grasses require a good layer of sand base before installation. Although Creeping Bent Grass requires much more maintenance, we have at Las Brisas installed Creeping Bent Grass on our tees for it’s all year round appearance.

HOLES 10-18.

On the recently re-designed back nine, this correct mix of grasses have been installed, this will enhance the playability of the golf course and lead to less closure days due to bad weather in the winter months.

HOLES 1-9.

On the renovated front nine, all the correct installation work was carried out with the exception of the fairway and rough areas, these works were not included in the budget for the front nine. The renovation of the front nine was completed in the winter and therefore cool session grasses were selected for overseeding. Our old Bermuda fairways and rough areas did not recover from the refurbishment and this is why we now need to convert these holes with a new sand- based Bermuda. We have at present completed the Bermuda conversion on holes 1,7 and 9 and the entire fairway to hole 3. (Not the rough area to hole 3.)


We are planning the conversion of a further three holes to Bermuda fairways and rough during May, June and July 2016. And the completion of the remaining holes during 2017.

Please find below some information on the different Grasses.

Bermuda Celebration.

Celebration is a deep blue-green Bermuda grass that has finished best in numerous university research studies for wear tolerance and recovery, drought resistance and tolerance and Bermuda grass shade tolerance. Found in professional and college sports venues, golf courses and home lawns, Celebration performs well across a variety of applications. Celebration is currently being used throughout the southern United States and around the world.

Bent Grass

Creeping bent grass is the most popular and most planted of the Bents. It is used extensively in lawns, golf courses, and athletic fields for the creeping, dense growth, beautiful coloration and short mowing tolerance. It is used primarily on golf putting greens because of the denseness and mowing qualities. 

Fescue & Rye Grass Mix

Unlike the majority of cool season grasses, Fescue grasses are shade tolerant and perform well in the lower areas of the transition zone where the season is too hot for the other cool grasses and in the area of the transition zone that is too cold in the winter for the warm season grasses.

Rye Grass

Ryegrasses are adapted into lawns mainly for their fast growing ability as a cool season grass and is sometimes referred to as winter rye grass. Perennial ryegrass is a permanent lawn choice in cooler climate areas, and annual  ryegrass is seeded yearly and lives for one season as a winter rye grass.

We hope this information is helpful and should any member need further information please contact the Green Committee.