Like every year, as soon as temperature rises, we need to open the soil to reduce compaction from traffic (players, buggies and machinery), allowing water and oxygen channels that will promote root growth. All we surely do is preparing the plant for the harshness and difficulties from summer.
As a rule of thumb, the surface impacted every year, making holes that will be filled with clean sand, should be from 15 to 25%, depending on a number of factors: soil type, irrigation water quality, traffic, turf species… In RCG Las Brisas we aim for a 20% impact, since the reclaim water use for irrigation dictates a medium/high need for aeration.
To achieve this figure, our aeration program includes 2 course hollow tines, 1 thin hollow tine and 1 solid tine, combined with a light top-dress to fill these holes. We prefer a light and frequent approach, never using a very course tine.
The process in greens, tees and collar includes: