3 MAR - 6 MAR

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015



1.1.        GENERAL.

Significant progress has been made in April due to the scarcity of rain and to the Contractor’s increased production.

The works carried out in April are the modification of the shaping of the hole 16th, the platform for professionals of the hole 17th, the modification of the tees of the hole 14th, the modification of the tees of the hole 15th and the modification of the green of the hole 14th. The irrigation of the holes 10th, the northern area of the hole 11th, the northern side of the hole 15th, and the green of the hole 18th has been completed. The works on the hole 16th and the green of the hole 11th – the tees of hole 12th are now being finished. The construction of the dam and walls next to the green of the hole 12th is finished, being the covering with stone of the dam outstanding, together with some adjustments to improve waterproofing. The three bridges are being covered with stone and this is the last phase of their construction, giving us more time for the rest of the works.

After having tried to recover the delay up until today, a matter that is beyond all parties’ control, The Work Management is of the opinion that the works will end 6 weeks after the date foreseen.

1.2.     RAIN.

Good progress was made in April due to the lack of rain. It only rained twice and the rainfall was 8 mm, therefore, no days of work were missed.
Rainfall registration chart in April 2015:

1.3.     EARTH MOVING.

The main outstanding area is the hole 13th, where the earth moving of the tees is already finished. Some other areas of this hole are pending, as we must wait until the topsoil lamination of the roughs is done, the existing stockpile used, and the installations - whose elements (irrigation pipes, chests, wires, sand, gravel, etc.) cannot be piled at other areas - are finished. The percentage of completion of this chapter is 95%.

1.4.     DEMOLITION.

This chapter is almost finished. Only the demolition of some buggy paths next to the holes 12th and 13th is outstanding. The fixing of the stream, which is also pending, will take place at a later time.


The reparation of the services damaged by the works, or those in bad condition went on in April. This month we continued working on the sewerage system of the hole 13th.
At the end of April, we covered the trench of the hole 18th, which was used as a bypass for the lake next to the hole 18th and was necessary to undertake the modification of both this hole and the bridge.


The medium voltage network used for the course pumping station was modified in April, as the refurbishment works had affected it. New cables were laid, being the old ones damaged, and a new channelling of the electrical wiring took place for it to be protected and identified.

1.7.     WALLS.

The walls closing against the bridge of the hole 18th and situated next to the tee of the hole 17th, were finished this month. The covering of the dam next to the 12th green with stone is also finished.


1.8.     SHAPING.

The main shaping works carried out in April are:

          The tees of the hole 13th
          The green of the hole 12th
          The green of the hole 13th
          The holes 14th and 17th
          The modification of the buggy paths next to the holes 12th, 15th and 16th
          The modification of the greens and tees that form the hole 14th


The drainage system of the hole 14th were partially carried out in April. The drainage of the holes 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th and 16th is already made. Some small stretches are pending, together with the bridges of the holes 14th, 15th, 17th and all areas of the holes 13th and 18th.


The installation of the irrigation system pertaining to the holes 12th and 17th continued in April. The following areas are already finished: the holes 10th, 11th, 12th, the northern side of the hole 15th, the hole 16th, and the 18th green. Presently it is being completed on the holes 17th and 14th.

1.11.   BRIDGES.

The covering with stone of the bridges was finished in April. The outstanding work under this chapter is the connection of the buggy paths to the platform of the bridges. It will be carried out when the execution of the different buggy path stretches inside each area takes place.

1.12.   GREENS.
The lamination of the greens with the mixture of sand and peat selected for this project started in April. The sand is already laid on the greens 10th, 15th, 16th and 18th and will be shortly laid on the greens 11th, 17th, 14th and 12th.

1.13.   BUNKERS.

The slopes of the bunkers of the holes 10th, 16th, 18th and 15th are being overlaid with topsoil.

1.14.   TEES.

The lamination with sand of the tees started in April. It is already finished on the tees of the holes 10th and 17th and will be soon carried out on the 16th, 11th and 12th, adhering to the seeding order foreseen.

1.15.   BUGGY PATHS.

Some buggy paths next to the hole 16th were completed in April, together with some stretches that were renewed next to the holes 6th and 18th.


The charts in this chapter show the evolution of the different construction works included in this project. It shows the progress of the different works grouped in chapters and compared with the schedule initially foreseen. It shows also the percentage of work already performed at any given certification date and the delay or advancement attached to them. Likewise, it is possible to identify other works started ahead of schedule representing an advance on what was planned.

The chart below shows the amount of work executed by the 1st of May. At this certification date the chapters being finished are earth moving, shaping, demolition, works on lakes, the dam next to the green 12th; the accesses to the club house and the bridges. Likewise, the works being executed are irrigation, drainage and overlaying of fairways and roughs, together with the seeding of the first holes, foreseen for the week in which this report was written.

As already informed in previous reports, after the delay caused by a series of circumstances, the Contractor has been requested a new execution calendar and more means conducive to work completion.  The calendar should allow seeding at the end of June. A total of 42 persons work presently on the course and the Contractor confirmed that this figure would be increased with further incorporations foreseen for the coming weeks.

The chart below summarizes the cumulated days in which it was impossible to work from the 1st of September, the anticipated date of commencement.

From the first of September the land received a total of 510 litres of water per square meter.