The works were slightly delayed in March, as rainfall was
higher than average.
The following shaping modification works took place in
March: the lake 16th, the pro platform of hole 17th, the
tees of hole 14th, the tees of hole 15th and the green of
the hole 14th. The irrigation works were completed on hole 10th,
the northern areas of holes 11th and 15th and the green
18th, and are being finished on hole 16th and green 11th
– tees 12th. The construction of the dam and the walls on the green of hole 12th
is already made. The covering with stone is outstanding, together with some changes
to be done to the waterproofing. The three bridges are presently being covered
with stone, being at their last stage of construction. The area will be cleared
afterwards in order to do the rest of the works.
After trying to recover the delay up until today, a
matter beyond all parties’ control, the Work Management is of the opinion that works
will finish 6 weeks later than scheduled.
The rainfall in March was 104 mm, 5 times the total
recorded in February, with 10 working days lost.
Rainfall registration chart in March 2015:
The rain fell in March hindered a series of works that are being
executed, such as irrigation ditches, topsoil lamination, drainage and gravel installation
on greens. Most works required some extra dedication, such as cleaning and
restoration in order to be able to continue the task.
The main area that remains outstanding is the hole
13th, with earth moving already done on the tees. Some other areas of this hole
are pending, as we must wait until the topsoil lamination of the roughs is done,
the existing stockpile used, and the installation, whose elements (irrigation
pipes, chests, wires, sand, gravel, etc.) cannot be piled at other areas, be
finished. Other small earth moving works are outstanding as the green of hole
12th, some areas of the hole 18th and a series of stretches
nearby the bridges. This chapter is almost finished, representing 93% of the
total surface.
This chapter is almost ended, only some small
stretches of buggy paths on hole 13th and between the holes 6th and 12th are
pending. The fixing of the stream, which is also outstanding, will take place
The services damaged by the works or the services in
bad condition continued to be modified in March. A number of manholes on holes
12th and 15th also continued to be repaired.
Likewise, some services were redirected on the area of
hole 14th, such as the general irrigation pipes DN200 and the power
cord for manholes. New valves substituted the damaged old ones.
The walls included in the modification of the project
for the green of hole 12th were finished in March. New sidewalls
from the whereabouts of the old dam up to the new one were erected.
Likewise, some walls were built on the northern side
of the bridge 15th, being those of the southern area outstanding
until the covering of the stone is finished.
The dam of the green 12th was completed in March. This
new dam provides water before the green 12th, enhancing its
attractiveness and improving the existing frame, which was deteriorated and
presented many filter points. The outstanding tasks at present are filling the lateral
slopes, covering the stone and adjusting the waterproofing sheet.
The refurbishment of the accesses to the clubhouse was
concluded in March, comprising the extension from the pro shop to the terrace
area and all the paths connecting green 9th, tee 10th and
the practice ground.
The shaping works in March concentrated mainly in the
modifications made by the Designer during his last inspection trip:
The green and the bunker of hole 16th were modified to
reduce their height by 50 cm and bring the water of the lake closer.
The pro tee of hole 17th was modified in
order to add another platform.
The bunker of the fairway 12th and the slope of the
stream 12th were modified.
Both the back bunker of the green 11th and
the first tee platform of hole 12th were modified.
The green and tees of the hole 14th were
The drainage network of the holes 11th and 12th was performed
in March. The drainage of the holes 10th, 11th, 12th,
15th and 16th is finished. Some small stretches are
pending next to the bridges of the holes 15th and 17th, together
with all areas of the holes 13th, 14th and 18th.
The installation of the irrigation system of holes 11th,
15th and 16th continued in March. Therefore, it was
completed on the hole 10th, the northern area of the hole 11th,
the northern side of the hole 15th, and the green 18th.
It is being completed on the hole 16th and the green 11th
– the tees 12th.
The heightening of the wings to smooth the connection
point of the buggy paths to the wooden board of the bridges was carried out in
March. The works to cover them with stone were also started.
In March, some gravel was laid on the drainage of the green
16th, after the modification made by the Designer. At present, the gravel
and drainage works are finished on the holes 10th, 11th,
15th 16th, 17th and 18th.
With regard to the sand for the greens, the analysis
of the mixed elements corrected by the contractor and received in March, showed
a positive result, while the first quality analysis showed an insufficient
content of organic matter. This first batch of 1000 tonnes is stored at the headquarters
of Sibelco and will be laid on the
greens during the coming weeks.
The slopes of the bunkers of the holes 10th,
18th and 15th are being overlaid with topsoil at present.
The Designer
is changing the size and morphology of the bunkers to optimize the
functionality of them. These updates have increased the bunker areas in a 50%
approximately versus the drawings/plans.
The levelling and drainage of the platforms of the
tees of holes 12th and 15th was carried out in March.
Therefore, the drainage is already installed on the tees of the holes 11th,
12th, 15th, 16th and 18th.
A number of buggy paths nearby the clubhouse were
completed in March and also some connecting areas between the holes 9th,
10th and the practice ground. Some stretches on the hole 10th
were also carried out up until the connection with the old path and some areas
of the hole 15th.
The charts in this chapter show the evolution of the
different construction works included in this project. It shows the progress of
the different works grouped in chapters compared with the schedule initially
foreseen. It shows also the percentage of work already performed at any given
certification date and the delay or advancement attached to them. Likewise, it
is possible to identify other works started ahead of schedule representing an
advance on what was planned.
The chart below shows the amount of work executed by
the 1st of April. At this certification date the chapters already
finished are earth moving, shaping, demolition, works on lakes, the dam of
green 12th, and the accesses to the clubhouse and the bridges.
Likewise, the works being executed are irrigation, drainage and overlaying of
fairways and rough. March has been less productive that February and we
suffered an additional 10-day delay because of the rainfall.
In view of the impossibility of recovering the time
lost because of the delay in starting the works and because of the
exceptionally wet year, we estimate that the course will be finished around mid
The chart below summarizes the cumulated days in which
it was not possible to work from the 1st of September, the
anticipated date of commencement.
From the 1st of September the land received
502 litres of water per square meter. Last year a total of 197 l/m2 was
Luis Cornejo.
Director de obra / Project Manager
Surtec Sport Turf Management