3 MAR - 6 MAR

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015



In general, the productivity in January was 50% as two working weeks were lost; one of them because of the rain and the first week of the month because of the season festivities. Even so, there has been significant progress in many chapters that are currently under development.

This month we have made progress mainly in the execution of walls, completion of earth moving at holes 12 and 14, restitution of the drainage service and shaping of holes 16 and 12. Also during this month all the available greens were drained and we started the reorganization of the irrigation system.


The rainfall in January was similar to December and affected the work progress. The total was 45 mm and it prevented us from working during 8 days.

Rainfall registration chart for January:


Earth moving is also in its final stage of completion. At present most works at all holes are nearing completion but those of hole 13. Some minor localized earth moving works are pending such as the green of hole 12, the modification of tees 15 and 14 and the areas around the bridges. This chapter is 85% completed.


Most main demolition works are finished at present. Some small sections of buggy paths (holes 11 and 13) are pending and also the wooden walkway of hole 12.


The facilities affected by the works, or those found in bad condition were subject to modification in January. During this month, part of the sewage network design was diverted near the new green 17 that under the new design was running under the same along a stretch of some 100 metres.

Also we found some old drainage elements crossing from the practice ground to hole 10, most of them were damaged and forming puddles, which were identified and adequately connected to the new network in order to avoid future problems.


The wall next to the Pro tee at hole 17 was finished in January and the connecting stretch will be carried out when the bridge is completed.

The refurbishment of the entrance slab to lake 18 was started and almost finished this month.  The framework of this entrance, which was very damaged by water erosion, has been cleaned and rebuilt to obtain a gentler stream from the tunnel to the lake thus reducing erosion.  A stretch made of concrete will be built at the bottom of the lake under this entrance slab.
The wall next to the Pro tees at hole 17 was finished in January and the connecting stretch will be carried out as soon as the bridge is ended.
The refurbishment of the entrance slab to lake 18 was started and almost finished this month.  This entrance’s framework was very damaged by water erosion, therefore it was cleaned and rebuilt to obtain a reduced water input from the tunnel to the lake and then reduce erosion.  A concrete slab support will be built under this entrance slab at the bottom of the lake to reduce the effect of the energy of the water and to protect its integrity.

Another wall presently under construction will define the new northern side of the lake 15, whose location was modified to reduce the length of the impact on water in this area. This wall will be finished by mid February.

No much progress was made this month because of the rain and the holidays of the shaper. However the main progress is made in hole 16. Also tee 18 and some platforms of tees 11 were modified in January. The shaping of tees and hole 12 was also started. As commented in previous reports, shaping is behind schedule with only 65% finished (100% was foreseen for this date). This work is directly dependent on the dryness of the land, as some weeks without rain are needed in order to speed up this task.

Further progress was made on the installation of a water evacuation system by installing manholes and pipes for rainwater collection. Currently holes 10, 16 and 11 are finished and holes 15 and 18 are partially complete, which represents 13% of the total (50% was foreseen for this date). This chapter could be advanced next month.

This is the most critical chapter among those being carried out at present, as other works depend upon its previous completion. Much progress has been made this month by doubling the number of working teams, i.e. the foundation and supporting framework of bridges 18 and 15 are further advanced and bridge 18 is presently in the foundation stage.
The drainage of greens 18, 10, 11, 15 and 17, available at present, was started and finished in January. The drainage system has been delimited and installed, and the 10 cm gravel coating upon which the sand will be placed is being finished at present.

The construction of the bunker slopes was also started in January. Such an operation involves the application of a 10 cm topsoil layer on top of the shaped areas. The grass of the bunker will be placed over this topsoil. It will then be cut at the level specified by the designer in order to make the bottom of the bunker, the drainage and liner installation, and then finish with sand.
The levelling and opening of the tee boxes was carried out on the last week of January, which is a prerequisite for installing the drainage. This operation will be made with laser levelling to obtain the desired slopes for playing surfaces and inner water evacuation.

The first buggy path stretch next to green 18 was started at the end of this month. Only a team of specialized workers exclusively dedicated to this wok will carry out this chapter from now on.

The chart in this chapter shows the evolution of the different construction works included in this project. It shows the progress of the different works grouped in chapters compared with the schedule initially foreseen. It shows also the percentage of work already executed at any given certification date and the delay or advancement attached to them. Likewise, it is possible to identify other works started ahead of schedule representing an advance on what was planned.

The chart below shows the amount of work executed by the 7th of January. Work advancements show a small variation if compared with the previous certification date, as many important works were started, i.e. drainage, buggy paths, bunkers, tees and greens. However, despite many works are subject to bridge completion, i.e. some areas that are part of the holes affected by the same, a considerable advancement is expected next month. The chart shows a considerable delay in many chapters, however this is not correct, as the dates of commencement were considerably advanced to allow more flexibility weather permitting. Most of these chapters could experience a significant progress during the coming months, when a favourable climate is expected.
The chart below summarizes the cumulated days in which it was not possible to work from the 1st of September, namely the scheduled start date. In short, the first works started on September 15th with low productivity until the permit was obtained on 22nd October, when major works commenced. This delay plus the 28 working days lost because of the rain place the beginning of some chapters in the same situation foreseen in the chart for the beginning of December.