3 MAR - 6 MAR

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014




2.        PROGRESS REPORT          
2.1.     GENERAL     
2.2.     STRIPPING
2.3.     DEMOLITION          
2.4.     LAKE 16-18 
2.5.     SHAPING     
2.6.     IRRIGATION SYSTEM        
2.7.     LANDSCAPING     
3.        WORK PROGRESS AS PLANNED          


The project comprises the comprehensive refurbishment of holes 10 to 18 of Real Club de Golf Las Brisas. This project continues the complete renewal and redesign process of the 18 holes that commenced in 2012 with the first nine holes.

The refurbishments of the course started with the modification of the holes the owner commissioned Kyle Phillips Golf Course Design to do, whose redesign aims at improving the competitiveness of the course and adapt it to the present playing condition. The course modification implies the complete renovation of all course elements (greens, tees, fairways, rough, etc.), and of all the services and the infrastructure (drainage, electricity, paths, bridges, etc.), which deteriorated over the years.


2.1.     GENERAL.

Although September was a short month and we only could work for a total of 10 days, almost all planned tasks were started in October.

The items advanced this month are mainly stripping, earth moving and shaping, works on lake 18 and the successful transplanting of the two araucarias.

The initial delay, which was recovered for some of the items, affects some other works such as drainage and especially bridge construction, which will be started in November.

Generally speaking, works such as stripping and earth moving are going as planned. Only the beginning of the cleaning works of lake 18 is being delayed.

2.2.     STRIPPING.

Stripping on the first 10 cm of aims to achieve the cleanest possible surface for the new course, especially without seeds and kikuyu reproductive elements, due to their high presence on the site and the problems suffered before and at present at holes 1 to 9.

By the 1st of November all holes but 11, 12 and 15 were almost completely cleared, which means 70% of the total surface foreseen, and 30% more than planned for that date.

2.3.     DEMOLITION.

Demolition comprises the removal of infrastructures, i.e. bridges, paths and edifications and also playing items such as greens, tees and bunkers.

After completion of the second certification, 100% of the greens, tees and bunkers were demolished, as planned. The demolition of buggy paths is advanced and 70% of the planned work is already executed.

The back walkway of lake 12 and the bridge of the chiringuito were not demolished, as we are looking into the possibility of keeping them. The chiringuito will be demolished as soon as the proprietor gets electricity supply for the provisional chiringuito on the tees of hole 5.

2.4.LAKE 16-18.

For administrative reasons, the works on lake 18 were started on October 15th, 1 month later than scheduled. The lakes were to be done first in order to avoid the rain season, which would obstruct the works. From the 15th of October the lake mud was excavated up to an impermeable clay layer, which in some cases represented more than 4 metres. It was a difficult work because of the permanent water filtration into the lake from holes 18 and 10 and water entering continuously from outside the course, preventing works to be done under dry conditions. A surrounding ditch was excavated on the lateral side of the new hole 16 to divert the water coming from outside the golf course to the reservoir on a permanent basis in order to be able to work inside a dry lake. However, the main earth moving works are completed (digging of mud areas and embankment work of the side of hole 18), being pending to carry out the side of the new hole 16, which will be undertaken as soon as the bridge foundations are made and will enable us to direct water through the lake instead of through the aforementioned side.

2.5.     SHAPING.

Shaping works are behind schedule due to the initial delay of earth moving caused by the work permit and also by the modifications made by the Designer affecting the tee of hole 10 and the buggy paths at the point that connects this space with hole 9 and the green of hole 18, which forced the shaper to spend more time than initially foreseen in this site, which is almost finished at present.

The photographs show earth moving and shaping at the areas were these works were advanced in October:

Tees hole 10:

Green complex 18:

Green complex hole 15:

Tees hole 16:

Green complex hole 10:


Some old pipe connections to the main pump were eliminated during the month of October. This work will continue in November and the connections will be blocked after checking their complete water tightness


Most works were advanced in October. Replanting of both olive and palm trees (the largest group), is 50 per cent completed, which doubles the advancement foreseen for this date. The olive trees were replanted at their final location, (tees 14, tees 13, hole 15) and also at the nursery built on hole 12 from where they will be moved to their final site as soon as earth moving is finished.

The large-scale works carried out in October consisted of replanting the 2 araucarias next to hole 15 and tees of hole 12, due to their incompatibility with the new design. This replanting required two specialized companied contracted by the proprietor to this specific effect (Dr. Arbol and Cespesol). Additionally, 3 weeks were needed to carry out innumerable preliminary work in order to prepare root balls, grading for crane access, construction of reservoirs and installation of pumps for diverting watercourse, etc., tasks entrusted to the main contractor Garden & Golf. Replanting was adequately carried out thanks to the effort made by all teams involved, being the araucarias at present under the supervision of Dr. Arbol, who visits the course weekly to check them. The photographs show the progress of the preliminary work:

Fixing of a valve at the reservoir of lake 15:

Preparation of root balls:

Earth moving, grading and land preparation:



The charts in this chapter show the evolution of the different construction works included in this project. It shows the progress of the different works grouped in chapters compared with the schedule initially foreseen. It shows also the percentage of work already executed at any given certification date and the delay or advancement attached to them.

The chart below shows the amount of work executed by the 1st of November. Work completion is advanced in chapters such as demolition, earth moving and replanting and there is a delay in starting drainage and bridges construction works. Given that these items are delayed for reasons beyond the work control and that they will start during the winter season, their execution will take more time than foreseen because of the rainy season, which in principle does not have to affect the general planning programme. The rain forecast for the next 3 months will affect the speed at which the delay is absorbed.