3 MAR - 6 MAR

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

Report on Tree Maintenance. February

The Arboretum in RCG Las Brisas is one of the most important assets that defines the scense of our course. Originally designed by Gerald Huggan, it brings a good number of species from all around the world, providing color during almost the whole year around.

Considering such a gem, a Certified Arborist takes care of its maintenance, assesing every single tree in a three years program, and correcting problems when needed using anchoring and pruning techniques.

If you got Google Earth installed in your computer, you can download the following file and just click on it to see the actions taken during past visit in February 2020.

You will find icons in every tree that were analised during this visit. In blue you will see those that need some actions in the near future. In red you will see those where the Arborist have worked. If you click on any icon futher information is shown.

Download this file to be opened with Google Earth