This report is written in both laguages (Spanish and English)
¿Por qué se muere el rough?
El rough se ha plantado con una especie de césped de “clima fresco” lo que significa que es menos tolerante al stress veraniego, salinidad del agua y terrenos compactos y arcillosos que acortan la zona radicular de la planta. Una vez que la planta se ve expuesta a ciertos niveles de estos condicionantes (la falta de una buena zona radicular) hace que ésta colapse. La salud de la raíz es el factor determinante en este proceso.
El rough se ha plantado con una especie de césped de “clima fresco” lo que significa que es menos tolerante al stress veraniego, salinidad del agua y terrenos compactos y arcillosos que acortan la zona radicular de la planta. Una vez que la planta se ve expuesta a ciertos niveles de estos condicionantes (la falta de una buena zona radicular) hace que ésta colapse. La salud de la raíz es el factor determinante en este proceso.
¿Por que se han hecho trabajos en los hoyos 1, 9 y 8?
Sabemos las carencias antes mencionadas del campo y por eso hemos trabajado duro para cambiar esta situación, con obras de gran envergadura como la reforma de los 9 segundos y la instalación de bermuda en las calles y roughs de los hoyos 1 y 9. En todos estos hoyos se ha introducido una capa de arena para mejorar las condiciones del suelo. Todos los trabajos se han llevado a cabo en la época donde históricamente tenemos menos socios/rondas al año, esto es durante los meses de Junio y Julio, este año estos trabajos han sido algo molestos por el hecho de solo haber 9 hoyos abiertos al juego, en los años sucesivos seguiremos afrontando estos trabajos de mejora del terreno y conversión de bermuda en los meses de Junio y Julio tratando de causar el mínimo de molestias a los Socios. Les recordamos que estos trabajos debieron hacerse durante la 1ª reforma pero dado al ajustado presupuesto ni se llegaron a presupuestar, por consecuencia nunca se llevaron a cabo.
Decapado de Festuca en el hoyo 1 |
Con estos grandes proyectos entre manos (reforma de los 9 segundos y conversión de Festuca a Bermuda en hoyos 1 y 9) es natural que los recursos destinen a estos trabajos y que en algunos momentos los trabajos de mantenimiento de los hoyos en juego se realicen con retraso (bunkers mal perfilados, siegas no tan frecuentes, programa de recebos de arena... y en particular trabajos de manicura). El mantenimiento general del campo poco a poco ya se irá poniendo al día y muy pronto estaremos al día en cuanto al programa.
Sandcapping y tepeado |
Why is the rough dying?
The rough is planted with a cool season grass which is less tolerant to the summer stress, and, with water salinity and heavy soil, it shortens the root system. Once several stresses have reached a certain threshold, the plant's lack of a good root system results in a general collapse. Root decay is the final factor in this process. Read more information...
Why have we done works on holes 1, 9 and 8?
After having explained the above problems we are suffering, we know what are the shortcomings of the course and we are working hard to change this situation, with major works such as the refurbishment of the back nine and the installation of Bermuda on holes 1-9 and 8th green complete. In all these holes a sand layer has been incorporated to improve the rootzone. All these works have been planned at our quietest period, this is June and July; these latest improvements have been an inconvenience because there were only nine holes open, next June and July we will continue with the soil improvement and conversion to Bermuda, but we will have the benefit of the back nine holes being open. We would also like to remind you that these works were never included in the Front Nine Refurbishment budget.
General Maintenance.
The conversion of holes 1 and 9 and 8th green complex has put considerable strain on our maintenance staff, but it will be beneficial in the long term. With these major projects, it is normal that resources are dedicated to them and at times general maintenance works are carried out with delay (bunker edging, topdressing program, mowing schedule... and in general any manicure work). General maintenance is now getting back to normal and should soon be back on schedule.
The rough is planted with a cool season grass which is less tolerant to the summer stress, and, with water salinity and heavy soil, it shortens the root system. Once several stresses have reached a certain threshold, the plant's lack of a good root system results in a general collapse. Root decay is the final factor in this process. Read more information...
Why have we done works on holes 1, 9 and 8?
After having explained the above problems we are suffering, we know what are the shortcomings of the course and we are working hard to change this situation, with major works such as the refurbishment of the back nine and the installation of Bermuda on holes 1-9 and 8th green complete. In all these holes a sand layer has been incorporated to improve the rootzone. All these works have been planned at our quietest period, this is June and July; these latest improvements have been an inconvenience because there were only nine holes open, next June and July we will continue with the soil improvement and conversion to Bermuda, but we will have the benefit of the back nine holes being open. We would also like to remind you that these works were never included in the Front Nine Refurbishment budget.
General Maintenance.
The conversion of holes 1 and 9 and 8th green complex has put considerable strain on our maintenance staff, but it will be beneficial in the long term. With these major projects, it is normal that resources are dedicated to them and at times general maintenance works are carried out with delay (bunker edging, topdressing program, mowing schedule... and in general any manicure work). General maintenance is now getting back to normal and should soon be back on schedule.