15 MAR - 16 MAR

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015



December was not a very productive month. A working week was lost due to the rain and another working week was lost because of the season festivities.
The works advanced in December are mainly the demolition that was pending, wall execution, reinstatement of sewage network services, shaping of the green and fairway of hole 17 and rainwater collectors. A topographic survey was carried out this month including the sewage and rainwater collectors network, as this information was unavailable but needed to repair some of the sections affected by the project.
The rainfall suffered in December slowed down a number of works, although not as many as in November. The total rainfall was 41 mm with a total of 5 working days lost. The rain recorded on 13th and 14th December was 38 mm and impeded works during the third week of this month.
In December one working week was lost if compared to any other month, as there was no activity from 24th December to 7th January. This cessation of work was agreed with the Work Management, as the resources available during this period did not adjust to the required productivity and it was considered more cost effective to stop the works.
See the rainfall registration chart for December below:       


By stripping the first 10 cm of soil we intend to obtain the cleanest possible surface for the new course, especially free of seeds and reproductive elements of kikuyu, because of their high presence on the site and the problems caused before and at present at holes 1 to 9.
This chapter was almost complete by the 7th of January, representing 95% of the total surface.
1.4.         EARTH MOVING.
Earth moving is also in its final stage of completion. It is currently complete in all areas but holes 12, 13 and 14 where 25% of the earth moving work is pending.   
Most demolition works were finished in December, specifically the bridge next to tees of hole 12 and the chiringuito. Likewise, the right wing at the entrance area of lake 18 was demolished to facilitate the construction of the new wall of tee 17, and of a concrete deck inside the lake, whose existence was unknown.
The Designer modified the tee of hole 10 and raised the height of the professional tee, therefore it was necessary to level heightening some chests to facilitate future registration and maintenance in a quick and easy way.

All walls in the 12 tee area were complete in December and also the opposite side of hole 15. The side of hole 15 was executed as an alternative to lowering the height of the reservoir by 30 cm, which was needed in order to improve the hydraulic regime of the stream. This measure was taken as it was found out that the body of the reservoir was weakened, therefore it was considered that such an action could cause great damage.
The wall of the tees of hole 17 was also started in December and will enable us to advance the platform to the lake as much as possible, maintaining the height foreseen in the project. The foundation of the wall needed modification as an underground spring was found in the area. To ensure an adequate base for the wall, the foundation was made of quarried stone, which gives an adequate firmness to the base. As seen in the pictures below, the natural ground is made of 2-3 metres of soil with a granular texture, which allows water circulation until reaching a sealed layer of clay, then running under gravity to lake 18.

Following the Designer’s instructions, a wooden wall was started in December between the tee of hole 10 and the practice ground to retain the ground elevation at that corner. 

No much progress was achieved this month because of the rain and the holidays of the Shaper. The green of hole 17 was shaped in December together with the fairway and bunker of hole 17 and 8 water collection spots at holes 10, 11, 15, 17 and 18, which will facilitate the commencement of the draining chapter. Shaping is behind schedule with only 50% finished (80% was foreseen for the date). This work is directly dependent on the dryness of the land as in order to speed up this task some weeks without rain are needed.
Sewerage and water collectors were found in bad condition at several areas while carrying out the work, which will surely generate future functioning risks upon completion of the project and reopening of the course. After an exhaustive search no plans were found and even those owned by the Town Hall proved incorrect. A topographic survey was then started to ascertain the routes and traits, and to analyse the most favourable solutions for the club.  This survey consists of placing guides inside the pipes through the wells; detecting them from the surface with a detector and recording GPS coordinates of their routing, depth and type of pipe.

The refurbishment of hole 7 was carried out in December to improve its condition, as planned by the club. The main works carried out were stripping, demolition, earth moving, drainage and construction of a new buggy path following Kyle Phillips recomendations.

The charts in this chapter show the evolution of the different construction works included in this project. It shows the progress of the different works grouped in chapters compared with the schedule initially foreseen. It shows also the percentage of work already executed at any given certification date and the delay or advancement attached to them. Likewise, it is possible to identify other works started ahead of schedule representing an advance on what was planned.
The chart below shows the amount of work executed by the 7th of January. Work advancement remains constant in the chapters already mentioned at the previous certification date. The works behind schedule are bridge construction, drainage, irrigation, pathways commencement and shaping.

Most delays experienced at present are mainly caused by the impossibility of starting important works such as bridge and lake construction during the dry season. Starting at a later date made their execution more difficult and prolonged and also hindered progress on holes where works, especially bridges, were not complete.  Lost time can be regained in most chapters, weather permitting, during the coming months as, from now on, the delays caused by the rain will be more difficult to recover.
The chart below summarizes the cumulated days in which it was not possible to work from the 1st of September, namely the scheduled date. In short, the first works started on September 15th with low productivity until the permit was obtained on 22nd October, when major works commenced. This delay plus the 20 working days lost because of the rain place the beginning of some chapters in the same situation foreseen in the chart for the beginning of December.

Nevertheless, at the time of writing this report, the situation has changed and there are reasons to believe that, weather permitting, it would be possible to make up for lost time.