3 MAR - 6 MAR

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

Rough en el recorrido en Juego - Roughs in our playable area

La explicación a como están encontrando los "roughs" en los segundos nueve nos es otra que;

1. La dificultad de hacer subsistir dos especies que requieren de un tratamiento totalmente distinto, la Bermuda en "fairways" no requiere casi agua durante este periodo estival y por el contrario el Ryegrass en "roughs" requiere de muchísima agua.

2. El sistema de riego existente en los segundos nueve no es capaz de irrigar las zonas de manera tan personalizada, teniendo los empleados de mantenimiento del campo que hacer este proceso de forma manual.

Estamos trabajando para minimizar el problema.

Le pedimos disculpas.



The problem it's just a cause by the combination of poor irrigation system and our to coexisting species of grass.

One, the Bermuda (fairways) needs nearly no water during summer months. Secondly the cool season grass - ryegrass (roughs) needs to be watered a lot.

Our poor irrigation system on back nine is not capable of such a custom procedure of watering, workers having to do this process manually. It's just during this really hot period of the year that we will struggle only until the irrigation system is replaced in future.

Reason why irrigation, our biggest item in budget in the refurbishtment of the front nine, is being replaced.

We are working hard to minimize the problem.

Sorry for the inconviniences.